There’s a lot of things you could do while on lockdown or quarantined. But to some, being cooped up in one place is very unbearable. I saw a meme that says, “I didn’t know that my lifestyle is called quarantine”, and I laughed so hard but so relatable to me. I’m an introvert, so being at home most of the time is what I prefer. There was actually a time that for months I was just inside the house and I didn’t go out.
Anyway, yesterday I was thinking of what to write for this blog. Suddenly my sister scheduled us to have a movie marathon today, and I got the idea–write about some activities or things to do while on lockdown, so in a small way, help others to elevate at least the stress that they are having while cooped up in their homes.
So, here are my list:
1. Movie Marathon.
Well, I think that’s an obvious one. But this is a great thing to do with your family. Don’t do it everyday because you will soon get tired of it, and you need to relax your eyes as well. Schedule on when you will do it and make a list of movies or TV Shows you’re going to watch. This will make things more exciting. For the food, just make do on what you have. We have a chocolate powdered drink and milk, so I mixed those and put some ice–my version of a Starbucks drink :). You could be creative of what you have and experiment with it. The possibilities are endless, you just have to be creative about it. Or just plain bread and spread, since the family time that you’ll have is what’s important.
2. Read Books.
I know there’s a book you want to read but you cannot because of your busy schedules, but now is the time!
Here are some of the books that you might want to give a try:
a. Gilda Joyce by Jennifer Allison. It’s a mystery book series, so you’ll have something that could maybe last you until the end of the lock down. The book could be for kids, teenager or for adults as well. There's something about this book that is very appealing once you start reading it. This book series is one of my favorite books of all time!
Order it here:
Ebook 1:
Ebook 2:
Ebook 3:
Ebook 4:
Ebook 5:
Or if you want the actual books:
Book 1:
Book 2:
Book 3:
Book 4:
Book 5:
b. Eye of the Red Tsar by Sam Eastland. It's a fictional story revolving around the mystery behind the killing of a prominent family, Romanovs, set in the historical era.
Order it here:
c. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. You might already read this before but this is just an amazing book that re-reading it is a must. It's an interesting mystery combined with suspense and thrill. But remember to be open-minded when reading this book for you to really enjoy it.
Order it here:
d. The Dark Lantern by Gerri Brightwell. This is like the book of Eye of the Red Tsar, a historical fiction combined with mystery.
Order it here:
"A fascinating portrayal of a vanished England as well as an unconventional mystery,The Dark Lanternexposes the grand “upstairs” of a Victorian home and the darker underbelly of its servants’ quarters. The clash between the classes makes for a suspenseful novel of mistaken identities, intriguing women, and dangerous deceptions."
3. Learn A New Skill.
You don’t need to go to a university or school to learn something. You could learn through youtube videos or search the internet. There’s a lot of things you can learn for free! You might be interested in learning to play an instrument (I’m planning to learn to play a ukulele. I’ll update you on that when I succeeded). Or maybe you are interested in Photography or learn a new language or you want to try meditation. The list just goes on! :)
4. Video or Board Games.
This one you can do alone or with your family. If it’s with your family, you can set up a tournament. With my family, we did a video game tournament playing Naruto Shippuden on PS4. It was fun and exciting as well! Or you can makeup a game of your own. :)
5. Make A Scheduled Routine.
Making this will help you be organize and avoid chaos. Scheduled chores will help you keep your mind occupied. I have an online job, so I schedule my work in the morning, then feed the dogs and play with them a little bit, and then clean. And in the afternoon, I’ll just relax and spend some time with the family. You could also assign your family to do some chores with you. This might not be fun at all, but this really helps a lot. This could also be a form of exercise.
Well, that’s my list. I hope this will help some of you. What’s happening right now in the world is horrible and it saddened me. But we could also learn something from it and appreciate the things that we took for granted before. This time, we could also reflect about our life. How about you? Do you have any ideas to do while on lockdown? Write it in a comment below! I want to know yours. :)
#warmandcozybykristine #warmandcozy #quarantine #moviemarathon #books #GildaJoyce #EyeoftheRedTsar #TheDarkLantern #TheDaVinciCode #game #gaming #videogames #boardgames #activities #blog #blogger #life
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